Studies at the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Bamberg and Cambridge, England
Scholarships by the „ Cusanuswerk“ (for gifted students)
1. Fields of Interest
Organisational education, system counselling, education management, school effectiveness, school improvement, school management, professionalisation of teachers and educational leadership personnel (school leaders), international comparative research on education
2. Current Positions and Previous Appointments
University of Teacher Education Zug, Central Switzerland:
- since 2018: Head of Research & Development
- since 2006 Head of the Institute for Management and Economics of Education (IBB)
- since 2006 Member of the University Council
- from 2009 to 2013 Head of Research & Development
University of Wuerzburg:
- 2006 Professor (W3) for Research on Education
University of Erfurt:
- since 2009 Member of the Erfurt School of Education (ESE) and Project Leader
- since 2006 Co-opted Member of the Centre for Research on Education and Project Leader of various research projects at the University of Erfurt
- from 2005 to 2006 Professor (W1) for Education Management
- from 2005 to 2006 Study Director and Programme Coordinator of the MA-Programme Education Management
- from 2004 to 2006 Director of the Research Group 'Conditions of Learning Processes at School and Their Support'
- from 2004 to 2006 Vice-director of the Centre for Research on Education
University of Bamberg:
- from 2003 to 2004 Co-director of the Research Centre for School Development and Management
- from 1997 to 2003 Research Assistant at the Research Centre for School Development and Management
3. Affiliations
since 2017 Advisory Board Member of the project Standards inklusives Schulsystem zur Sicherung der sonderpädagogischen Qualität (standards of an inclusive school system to assure the quality of special needs education) of the Swiss association of social and special needs education Integras
since 2016 Advisory Board Member for the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) – Central Agency for German Schools Abroad
- since 2014 Advisory Board Member for the UCEA Center fort he International Study of School Leadership (University Council for Educational Administration)
- since 2014 Advisory Board Member for the project „ProfilQ - Professionalisierung durch schulinterne Qualitätsentwicklung“ (Professionalization through quality development in schools) of the Associations of Teachers Switzerland (LCH) and School Leadership Switzerland (VSLCH), supported by the Foundation Mercator Switzerland
- since 2013 Member of the Board of Trustees for the Academy of Teacher Training and Personnel Development Baden-Wuerttemberg
- since 2013 Adjunct Professor of the Institute for Educational Research Griffith University Brisbane
- 2013 Member of the commission of experts for the Swiss School Award
- since 2011 Member of the Academy Council for the German Academy for Educational Leaders, University TU Dortmund
- since 2009 Senior Research Fellow Hong Kong Institute of Education
- from 2009 to 2015 Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Education within the Faculty of Humanities University of Manchester
- since 2009 Fellowship Programme for Students Training to Be Teachers of the Foundation of German Business in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Research, the Robert Bosch Foundation and further supporters: Member of the advisory board
- since 2006 Chair of the research consortium for the Swiss Federal Surveys of Adolescents ch-x
- Programme director
- since 2012: CAS Educational Governance of the University Lucerne – Economy in cooperation with the University of Teacher Education Zug
- since 2006: MAS School Management of the University of Teacher Education Lucerne in cooperation with the University of Teacher Education Zug
- Lecturer within Master courses
- since 2013: Universities of Teacher Education Upper Austria
- since 2013: Universities of Teacher Education Lower Austria
- since 2010: University of Halle
- since 2010: Universities of Teacher Education Weingarten/St. Gall/Grisons/Schaffhausen/Thurgau/Vorarlberg
- since 2007: University of Teacher Education Zurich
4. Guest Professorships
- winter semester 2017/2018 Madurai Kamaraj University of India
- winter semester 2012/13, 2008/09University of Linz
- winter semester 2007/8 University of Freiburg
- winter semester 2005/6 University of Cyprus
5. Research Projects
Stephan Gerhard Huber conducts research projects and consultancy (comprising above all evaluations, conceptions, and expertises). In his research projects, qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method and international comparative approaches are applied. Information about projects see here.
6. Conference Host
Stephan Gerhard Huber is the Head of the World Education Leadership Symposium and International School Leadership Symposium.
Information about the Education Leadership Symposium see here.
7. Membership of Professional Associations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM)
- German Society for Research in Education (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, DGfE)
- European Educational Research Association (EERA)
- International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
- Swiss Society for Research in Education (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung, SGBF)
- Swiss Society for Evaluation (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Evaluation, SEVAL)
- Society for Evaluation e.V. (DeGEval)
- European Evaluation Society (EES)
- Swiss Society for Teacher Education (SGL)
- World Congress of German Schools Abroad
8. Current Keynotes and Presentations
Stephan Gerhard Huber was keynote speaker at scientific conferences and congresses, e.g. that of the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS), the European Policy Network on School Leadership (EPNoSL), the International Successful School Principal Project (ISSPP), the Asia Leadership Roundtable (ALR) and at major events organized by national initiatives and ministries, authorities, associations, academies - state institutions - and foundations. He gives specialist lectures at the relevant congresses, e.g. the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM), the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF) and the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE).
Presentations at scientific conferences and congresses
Presentations in university and professional development courses and conferences for education policy and practice (selection)
9. Publications
Stephan Gerhard Huber is author and editor of monographies, book series, and journal articles in German-speaking and international publications, member in editorial boards and reviewer for various journals.
Full List of Publications see here.
Selected Publications see here.
Downloads see here.
Press Release and Interviews see here (currently under construction).
Videos see here (currently under construction).