Prof. Mel Wests work has principally been in the fields of school management and school improvement. In the mid-nineteen eighties, he was one of the architects of the influential Improving the Quality of Education for All (IQEA) programme. This programme, which is still going strong in several parts of the world, has been used by some hundreds of schools, and has become one of the most widespread approaches to school development. He has contributed to school improvement and management development programmes in Iceland , Laos , Chile , Hong Kong , China , Puerto Rico and Malawi , working with a number of international agencies including the British Council, DfID, OECD, UNESCO and Save the Children. Current projects include school improvement programmes in Beijing (DfID funded) and Hong Kong (Hong Kong Education Ministry) and a headteacher development programme in the West of China (APEC). He is also co-directing the Leadership Development Unit, set up by the DfES and the National College for School Leadership, to support schools and LEAs facing challenging circumstances. |